In the quest to realise its mission, Nanquanu currently enjoys contributions from a growing number of highly devoted apprentices and professionals, some of whom are presented in blocks throughout this document.
However, to realise its beautiful Machines of Creativity, the institute needs to expand, and, among other things, allow a selection of its currently volunteering contributors to work full-time on stage 1 of the mission.
You can support Nanquanu in several ways:

Become a network contact. This means we keep in touch, and may mutually benefit from each others network.

Contribute with your expertise. contribute with your expertise. Nanquanu’s projects require a wide range of skills. The construction and application of collective intelligence systems is a highly interdisciplinary process. Additionally, Nanquanu needs process-tasks to be fulfilled. Examples are:

  • collective intelligence system R&D
    • computer science and technology
      • software development
      • data-mining
      • artificial intelligence
      • video game development
      • knowledge representation and reasoning
      • functional programming
    • mathematics
    • social sciences
      • sociology
      • cognitive psychology
      • economics
      • educational science
      • political science
      • communication science
      • economics and business
      • fair/sustainability economics
      • and more...
    • graphical design
    • art
    • life sciences
    • neuroscience
    • philosophy (ethics, etc.)
  • Process support and implementation
    • Scouting, mediation (scouting professionals and novices)
    • Promotion: text writing for speeches and documentation for different target audiences.
    • Project coordination, planning and administration
    • Legal support
    • Physical office design and construction, nature inspired interior
    • design and construction.
    • etc.

Support Nanquanu in kind. Examples are:

  • supply (organic, fair trade or equivalent) food to Nanquanu’s contributors. This will save them money and time, which can be put into more working- hours for Nanquanu.
  • donate or share computer and network facilities (such as hosting, hardware, etc.).
  • provide (home and business) office space to accommodate contributors (world-wide).

Become an apprentice of Nanquanu. Learn how to fulfil any of the tasks from Nanquanu’s professionals, while assisting them in practice. Contribute to the realisation Nanquanu’s special projects, while becoming a professional yourself. (People can fulfil both roles within Nanquanu, being an apprentice in one and a professional in another.)

Support NQ financially. Donate to Nanquanu, or one of its projects.
Note that Nanquanu works both with volunteers and paid workers, and persons who mix both forms, depending on, among other things, available financial means and someone’s individual situation. Nanquanu strives to pay anyone for the agreed contributions. However, specifically in new projects, voluntary contributions will be indispensable to gain the momentum for acquiring the financial means to do so.

Contact us!